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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Stop-Loss (2008)

Seems to be a reasonably even handed treatment of the fictional story of American soldiers coming back from Iraq, despite the unfortunate circumstance of being stop-lossed.

This is small government by the Republicans. Let's not do a draft. Let's not provide appropriate danger pay to encourage people to re-enlist. Let's screw them in the back end of the process when they think they'll be let out. Let the poor bastards mop up our stupid decisions.

My own illiberal thoughts here: it does suck, but it's in the contract, and everyone who signs such a contract should be aware of it's contents, no? They should consult a lawyer if there was a question? Of course, these guys are young and imprudent to sign up, or just wanting to be patriotic. There was never a declaration of war by Congress, but US judges seem to be saying such a declaration is not necessary for the President to invoke the stop-loss clause. Soldier beware.

Overall, I liked this film, not least because of pretty boy Ryan Phillippe.

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