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Saturday, November 1, 2008

Leonardo Da Vinci @ the Tech Museum

A local show to Silicon Valley's Tech Museum attempts to clarify a little about the artist. Is Da Vinci a bit hyped as a genius artist? His paintings are a little too studied, too perfect. Like an engineer doing painting. He used mathematical methods, and mechanical devices to create realistic paintings. Still, if you look at his Last Supper or Mona Lisa they are unquestionably beautiful, and there is a soul behind them. His greater strength in this display especially was his investigations in anatomy, optics, engineering and inventions.

Not mentioned in the exhibition, Da Vinci was probably a homosexual. At the age of 23 he was charged with sodomy along with 3 other young men, but acquitted (possibly because he knew well how to curry favor among the wealthy and powerful -- later in life, he was friend and advisor to kings). It is believed also he had relations with his male assistants, and he wasn't known to have intimate relations with any females. (Oh, and he was a lefty.)


Unknown said...

Not much of a review. And what does Da Vinci's sexual orientation have to do with anything?

I want to know if this is equivalent (or identical?) to the Da Vinci exhibit at the San Francisco Metreon?

Al said...

Is there an exhibit in SF Metreon? I don't think it's related. There is something going on a SF Legion of Honor. This is also not related.