I have an old vcr which still works fine. Of course, I could buy/subscribe to Tivo, but I just want to tape a few shows. So I bought the Zinwell box from Amazon which has a programmable timer and of course I had to buy a UHF splitter for my antenna, since my TV has an HDTV tuner already. The cost of the box exceeded the $40 gov't coupon, but just by $10. The tuner is actually more sensitive than my TV tuner, and it flips channels more quickly and also shows the program information. Picture quality from the box only SDTV, but after saving to VHS format, it looks about like something from that old tape technology. One great thing is that the box only uses max of 1.3Watts in standby. (My TV is like 40Watts in standby, so now it's on a wall switch.) Okay, so it takes a programming degree -- something I pretty much have from school -- to get the whole thing to set up, but now that it's done, VCR and box turn on at the same time. Presto, I now have completely *free* time shifting tv watching. But I still have to watch the Daily Show online. Oh well, you can't have it all.
Jay Leno is moving to 10pm, but until then I can get him on tape. One less reason to stay up late. Perhaps I'll be watching more tv now?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
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