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Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Rating Game by Reba Toney

Leave it to a woman to figure out a workable dating method. But it seems surprisingly sensible. Boiled down: what usually works is if both people bring -- not necessarily the same thing -- but something equivalent to the table. First off, if a person is a real loser in every way, that person would never rate a winner in any way. Since people value different things, perhaps the author's innovation is not to focus on just the obvious aspects: face and body. There's also personality and money (latter is euphemistically termed "life situation"). As she says, this seems key to the success of hetero: supermodel/rock star couplings. I.e. the man's ugliness is canceled out by his attractive personality, status, friends and money through a simple averaging function. One key of course is to be honest on one's own rating so one doesn't date outside of one's rating class. The author even tosses in some semi-helpful hints on improving one's various categories. Perhaps this is a more detailed look at what it means when people say: "he's way out of your league".

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