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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Brotherhood (2009) rating: 7/10

The Danish neo-Nazi thugs aren't really all that violent. They don't kill anyone. They just intimidate. On gay bashings, they don't want to be found to be responsible because that would be really bad publicity and might cause an over-reaction.

The story is quite implausible on two major counts: (1) the ex-army gay guy decides to join the neo-Nazis after he denounced their motivations to their face, and (2) one of the neo-Nazis sergeants is a closeted gay guy who is actively involved in luring and bashing young gay guys (after first telling them they are beautiful). Talk about hypocritical! Or are we really to believe he is filled with self-hatred? If one is willing to suspend disbelief of these two key points, the movie can be interesting to watch.

Is it me, or are late 2000 decade gay themed movies finally unapologetic-ally explicit about sex scenes so as to be comparable to straight Hollywood sex scenes? I must say this is a welcome change.

And I didn't know that the Danish translation for f**king (the expletive, not the act) is actually "f**king". (The act seems to be a different word.) It's almost as if the Danes prefer to curse in English.

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