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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Flipped (2010) rating: 7/10

A boy, Bryce, moves to a new neighborhood and a psycho 2nd grade girl neighbor and classmate, Juli, immediately crushes on him. Okay, maybe she isn't totally psycho, but she even loves the smell of his hair -- she says it smells like watermelon -- and goes around rather conspicuously sniffing it when sitting behind him in class. In shared narration (Bryce narrates his side of the story where he mostly rejects her), she repeats often that she loves his eyes. She ascribes all kinds of good qualities to her quarry, but as with any crush, she is quite wrong. He's just an ordinary somewhat cowardly boy. Albeit he's not a bad looking kid who all the girls in school like so much they bid an astonishing $50 in 1960's money in a charity auction for a lunch date with him. The 6th-8th grade Bryce is played by an exceedingly young looking 16 year old Aussie, Callan McAuliffe. The results of the charity auction of 10 boys confirms the traditional view that girls don't go for the nice guys.

The boy's (weirdly lovesick) grandpa notices Juli and is convinced she's a keeper and befriends her for Bryce. He works on the boy to convince him of this and not to miss his chance.

I wondered what the title means. Perhaps it's just that girl pursues boy is the reverse of what's thought of as typical.

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