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Friday, September 9, 2011

Brideshead Revisited (1981) rating: 8/10

The first half of this mini-series is amazingly about a pair of platonic gay best friends. That part is fun, but also very disappointing in a way that a 1980s mini-series about platonic gay people probably had to be.

The second half is much much less interesting. Plus, the protagonist, Charles Ryder, switches teams. What a mother f**ker! The protagonist is actually not a good person in my opinion. Among other faults, he's a poor example of a non-believer and he really doesn't back his friend properly. A traitor really.

[One might reason that Charles was just romanced by the wealth of the family, not by any of them.  If Charles is heterosexual, when it was clear Sebastian liked boys (one day in), the right honorable thing should have been to stay away and not lead him on.  If Charles is bisexual, then I'm not sure what I would say.  Maybe, make up your mind, dude!]

Throughout there is a surprising focus on religion, (Catholicism) especially in the second half, which I personally found quite boring and uninteresting. That a dying old man who never went to church in 
25 years would want to 'cover the bases' in the end: surprise, surprise.  Well, what would be the harm?  Yawn.

Still, it's a well done period piece. I rate the first half with 9/10 and second half as 6/10. You can pretty much leave off after the 2nd dvd without missing anything important.

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