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Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Debt (2010) rating: 7/10

Each character has two actors playing their roles.  One for 30 years ago.  The other for today.  They decided not to use makeup (making young actors look preternaturally old).  Probably a good choice because I ended up only liking two of the character+actor combinations from different times.  Mirren is great as the old Mossad lady.  How is it that she looks so, um, stereotypically, Jewish here?  And Sam Worthington is sometimes stunning as one of the young Mossad agents.  His older counterpart, played by Ciarán Hinds (Julius Caesar from Rome mini-series), is like Worthington fallen down some horrific cliff, which I suppose is always within the realm of possibility in 30 years, but would be one of those "God! What happened to him?" cases.

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