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Monday, October 13, 2008

X Saves the World by Jeff Gordinier

The book takes the argument and draws distinctions quite a bit further between Gen-X and both Boomers and Millennials. Dividing lines: those born before 1960 are boomers, and those born after 1977 are Millennials. Gordinier sees Nirvana as the height of X culture; I'm not sure I agree, but Nirvana's emergence coincides with the point where the alternative rock genre went mainstream. The author disses mostly appropriately in my opinion on both the Beatles and Britney Spears.

Then he talks about the greatness of 90s films, among them none of my particular favorites: Being John Malkovich, Fight Club, Lost in Translation, Office Space and The Matrix. Okay, I did like the Matrix, but the rest is mostly forgettable dross.

He does have a great point about it taking a Gen-Xer to finally put a boomer President, Dubya, in his place: Stephen Colbert and his brain warping, earth shattering performance at the White House Correspondents association dinner. You have to reread the transcript or see the video again to feel its unbelievable righteousness.

And another good point, the current Presidential election is a first between a boomer Silent Gen-er and a Gen-Xer. Interesting that in the end there may only be two boomer Presidents: Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, although the window is 18 years. Still I sort of doubt it will only be two. After 2008/2012, perhaps Hillary or Biden or one of the 2008 Republican primary roster? With X being a window of 17 years, we'll be lucky to have two as President.

Overall, it's an interesting perspective which I do agree with on some points. Like how the sarcastic, cynical, slacker X generation, was the last to have real TV, not the cheap reality knock-off stuff copied from Europe. How Gen X knew to set the bar low for themselves and others, because they'd seen how bad marriages and bad economies can happen.

Note: okay, okay, I changed the dates to make Barack Obama an Xer (post-boomer), but others have done the same.

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