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Sunday, April 1, 2012

J. Edgar (2011) rating: 8/10

I confuse J. Edgar Hoover a bit with Joseph McCarthy who was sort of his contemporary and also is currently seen as gay. But in my view McCarthy is observed as a greater hypocrite in that he actually attacked homosexuals while being gay himself. On the other hand, Hoover's discreet acquisition of secrets about Presidents is presented here as political self-defense of his position and his new bureau. In this movie, his motivations are shown as attempts to protect the country against communism, and his racism is shown out of context, such that we're not sure whether to fully believe them true of the man.

So the movie does a fairly effective salvage job with Hoover, meanwhile in his personal life showing him having an intimate, but non-physical relationship with Clyde Tolson. I agree with other reviewers that DiCaprio's accent is a bit intrusive. In their old makeup, DiCaprio and Armie Hammer are at times convincing and at others not really with DiCaprio moving his arms and long fingers far too fast for a fat old guy.

Nevertheless, I liked the film.  It could be partly because of Armie Hammer's pretty face (we don't see anything else of his).  And partly because of the sympathetic portrayal of Hoover as a powerful gay guy who wasn't all bad. Again though I am somewhat troubled about whether his racism was downplayed.

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